firelight glowing in the dark onto bright red crabapples

There are many reasons we divide life into seasons.

Micro-to-macro-and-back-again is my favorite part. I especially get that boundless spiral feeling in the fall…


Two years ago in October 2022, I wrote a song called The Death of Two Octobers. What I believed at the time was that October #1 was when U2 wrote October, and October #2 was when Kate-Miller Heidke wrote The Devil Wears a Suit.

I mean, that’s still true. Both songs reference October, and power, and endings.

So I mashed-up those two Octobers into my song. And also envisioned the fall of patriarchal power.


One year ago in October 2023, Thaliana wrote a song called Coven of One. She extended the focus I began the previous year. Especially the rise of feminine solidarity, and invoking the cultivation of our individual power in order to ultimately serve the Whole.

When that songbirth happened the day after the end of that month, I caught a glimpse of the fractal:

2022 = two Octobers, one song

2022 + 2023 = two Octobers, two songs… one of which contains two Octobers


I’ve been feeling that the death of October 2024 will mark our full integration, Thaliana and me.

2022 + 2023 + 2024…

This year, I am the song.


Jennifer Elinora Grossi

I'm a deeply languaged, hypercurious musician / mother / human animal who tried for so long to not be any of these thingsβ€” or sometimes to simplify into one alone, and not be the rest. Now through project jelinora, I'm sharing my Whole Voice for the first time.

120 minutes


the view from my front porch