Pick from these as they call to you…
then circle back around here whenever you feel like going “back to basics” on planting your next creative garden!
Turn the soil of your creative seeds daily. Write them, sketch them, dance them, visualize their color and their sparkle.
Share your seeds with others. Make sure those people or entities are deeply supportive of your creativity.
← A great place to find fellow creative gardeners is our community network— free for individual clients, $60/month for other members.
Make a vision map. Use magazine cutouts, drawings, or digital tools to create a “seed map” of creative ideas you want to explore. Include plenty of rich description about your vision.
Seeds of Creativity: This is a LOVEly podcast episode from TANIS at NRTHWST Design. There’s a transcript too, if you prefer to read rather than listen— but go ahead and listen to the intro, where she actively judges her own (physical) voice! Its’s a great reminder that we all have moments of creative courage and inspiration, as well as moments of doubt and stiflement… sometimes in the space of just a few seconds!
Plant an actual seed to represent your creative dream. Pick a plant that’s easy to grow and plant it in a place where it will get all the nourishment it needs from its environment (sunlight and soil) and from you (water and LOVE).