This week I got

  • a possible AI Facebook "friend" request (no indication other than the weirdness making me wonder)

  • my first witness of a real-life friend direct messaging with an AI on Snapchat (a platform where we are encouraged to β€œshare the moment”)

  • an offer to use β€œ8 NEW AI improvements designed to spark valuable relationships” on my Whole Voice network

The subject is way too paradoxical for me to develop a sane opinion Yes or No or WTF?!

I know some things…

I want my art to engage with real people.
I want to engage with real people about art.
I want real people to engage with me about art.

So, thank The Source for

This LOVEly gives me so many Real things to engage with! I’ll Name just a few:

🌹 She plays some gorgeous violin on our upcoming Don & Jenn album.

🌹 She performed at our house concerts several times, and offered a Whole-ly authentic workshop before one of them.

🌹 The listening party for her magnetic album Little World was the best I’ve ever been to.

🌹 This one is über-recent and also the best: My life is forever changed by a five-day free Intensive through her soul sound support system She Sings Out Loud. The content is apparently still up at that link (free!) so if you even think you might want to write and share your feminine power through music, Emma Back is the place to be.


P.S. The title of this blog is β€œtestimonial” cuz it’s high time I wrote one about her and her vital work.


oooh, it’s messy.


maybe not sorry